Friday, August 12, 2011

RDR Undead Nightmare im Stuck?

soooo i have gotton the bunderbluss or what ever and there isnt anymore missions. West Dickens said he's going to mexico and is at solomons folly for a few days but i cant find him. there aren't any markers or anything except towns and lost souls (which i have done like 7 times) how can i find Nigel?

If God is love, why does he permit wickedness?

He doesn't permit it.....he just allows it to go on in order to test us. To see if we are willing to seek him and try to find him at heart. Basically to see who is really purely righteous and wants to seek the kingdom of heaven, not with God's help and him doing all the work, but on your own.You have to truly want it and allowing temptations and sin run a muck on earth is a way to test you

The Pearl (on Peter's Question)...c/c please. Thank you?

Benny, it is significant I think that you have written this poem and that I am answering it. I have long looked on writing a poem of surpassing aesthetic quality as a sort of holy quest, and have when work permitted devoted myself to the proposition with considerable zeal. I have come to the conclusion 'greatness' should be left to others to identify. If you are a poet, in the truest sense, you will master with relative ease the technical craft of poetry, itself a formidable accomplishment for those less driven. You will perhaps even learn the language of inanimate things, and with your altered consciousness and way of seeing embrace a world other men will never see, unless it is through the exigency of your sacred words. But by the time you have accomplished these things, your quest for 'perfection' is already doomed. You no longer can gain satisfaction or fulfillment by comparing what you have accomplished with the standards of the past. You do not strive toward them but rather toward some mythic Olympus, or perhaps Helicon itself. You now judge all you produce unreasonably against the absolute limits of your art form and you are bound to fail, a poor creature whose consciousness is wedded to a limited and limiting neural architecture. I have helped to push you along this path, and for every one of the beauties you have known fleetingly, there is heartbreak and frustration lying beneath. My friend, the lotus itself blooms amidst the filth of the world, and if you can embrace beauty and misery, and count them the same without being destroyed by doing so, you may write the great poem of your dreams. Even then, if you are like me, you will selfishly protect it from the eyes of others. I have a poem of 360 lines — "The Horns" — that far surpasses anything I've ever posted here. I write sonnets in as little as two minutes, but I spent almost a year on this poem. For me, it is the culmination of a lifetime of learning and writing, and one day, after I die and bequeath it, my poem may take its place alongside the best. But not now, not while I'm living. It will be my gift to the world, and my vengeance on it.

Will current U.S. war strategies still reflect a conventional warfare strategy without a Nam or afghan?

Lessons were learned mainly for current assymetrical warfare doctrines from vietnam and afghanistan as modern examples, other include somalia. Will there be more troops, indiscriminate attacks, destructive?

Who is hurt most when government puts restrictions on banks?

Name one thing the government has ever done that works the way they say it will work? Anything they do hurts the average citizen. The far left and the far right are playing both ends against the middle which allows the rich to get richer, the poor to stay poor and the pockets of the middle class pays for the whole show.

Libya: "Neither side seems capable of moving the ball down the field"?

Send in Gaddafis troops the IRA. Then let the UDA eliminate the lot as they did in N. Ireland. End of conflict as they did in N. Ireland. Sinple.

Romeo and Juliet! HELP!?

I am writing an essay for Romeo and Juliet. My theme is Foolishness and Folly and to start me essay I need a opening quote on my theme. It just needs to be a general quote on foolishness. Thanks!

Why does monarchy even exist in the 21st century?

I live in the UK and take no notice of the royals, they hold no interest for me and its just tradition that they are still around. What would happen to them if there were no royal family, where would they go ? The Queen is as far as I am concerned the last real royal, the rest are just a bunch of unfaithful, disloyal, cheating and selfish people, and these are the ones that "rule" over us all. Yeah right, I dont think so...

Can anyone tell me likely sports injury i might have?

i was in my mixed martial arts class and sparring with another class member. we were working on kickboxing. i got kicked full force right above my knee on the side of my thigh. it has been roughly 4 hours after class and i still have major pain. there was no popping or cracking on the initial contact. right now it hurts to bend this leg even sitting down. i can extend it fully though(i have pain when doing this). it is also really ******* tensed up, the best way to describe it is that someone put a rock in the side of my thigh.

What are the traits of a wise person?

A wise person will not rely on their own understanding, but follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God. Learn to discern the voice of Holy Spirit, and He will guide you with His godly wisdom.

What does this paragraph mean? help please?

Ninety percent of our respondents told us that Kerr’s folly is still prevalent in corporate America today. Over half concluded that the folly is widespread in their companies. What was true two decades ago remains so today—managers still cling to quantifiable standards when they reward others and as their primary explanation for the folly’s perniciousness.

I dare you to make some sense out of this?

Erm... is it supposed do have a moral? Like, don't take **** from anyone or do things on your own time? I've never read the book.

Why did the United States government believe it necessary to drive prime minister Mossadegh from power?

Mohammed Mossadegh was Iran's prime minister from 1951 until the coup in 1953. Why did the U.S. want to drive him from power? Also, why was this considered a folly in the short and long term?

How can I not be scared to fight?

Hey everyone! Please I need help! I have been doing jiu jitsu and muay thai for 6 months now. When I train with pads and heavy bags, everyone and even myself know I am pretty good. But the problem is when it comes to sparring or a real fight at school or something, I feel like I forget EVERYTHING! and I am scared to get hit and I flinch to much. How can This fear go away? Basically how can I stop being scared? I am 16 years old.

Frustration on looking back at my life so far?

You're lucky you realised this early, you have time to change your life and there is nothing wrong with it so far so no reason to be too worried. Just concentrate on doing the things you think are important.

Could Intelligent Design Mean Anything Other Than Creation?

As soon as you mention ID, Atheists and Darwinists immediately put up a mental block and assume someone is preaching God (And they call Christians "close-minded"). What is the possibility of some outside force starting life on this planet? Anyone with half a brain knows life can't start all by itself. Nothing + nothing = nothing. Are you all afraid the Bible will be proven right? I'm willing to bet that at least 5 Atheists/Evolutionists will answer this question without reading the details here proving the Bible right on at least one thing.--------Proverbs 18:13--he that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

Is the police and law enforcement an example of socialism?

No, socialism is something COMPLETELY different, if you are a leftist, then you don't even know what you're believing in, sorry.

Anyone interested in becoming a Muay Thai training partner?

Preferably female as i am female and able to travel to Darlington UK for the training sessions. It will include sparring, padwork and technique drills i have the majority of the eqipment.

For pressure point experts/nervous system experts only!?

Your expectations are quite high as to who is capable of answering this so I can't tell you how hitting a nerve in your arm will cause that to happen. I am not an expert in this field.

Which celebrity should I choose?

I'm probably doin the fifth grade follies, and each student must dress up as a celebrity. I an a girl, but which celebrity should I dress up as?

Who are you to judge the commands of the Almighty?

The "Almighty" didn't write those. Some ignorant fools from an uneducated era of human civilization wrote it.

Which Coach sneaker do you like more?

Shoe 1. I'm a girl who likes to wear pink, but the first shoe lets you wear a more variety of clothes color and pattern wise.

What do you think of “Undocumented” folly: A liberal reporter’s illegal alien sob story?

Apparently, he feels that it's safe to come out and flaunt that he's an illegal alien. He's thumping his nose at our government, because he knows it has no backbone to enforce immigration laws. Aside from being here illegally, he has committed crimes by making false claims of citizenship and document fraud, both of which are felonies. He should have been jailed immediately after making this known.

What do you Cons think of Newt doing a 180 on libya? Flip Flop Follies?

Typical flip flopping BS politician. He didn't think Obama had the minerals to hit the Libyan government. He realized he was wrong and switched sides immediately. I have an idiotic republican friend who thinks the world of him. **** republicans. Any one who thinks these republicans are worth a damn are basically illiterate, and should never vote. It isn't that I disrespect their opinion or even pull for the democrats.. It is because they have no opinion of their own. They are programed and have no thoughts of their own. Why should a political party of proto fascists be able to receive votes from bots that they programmed?

Does size matter in a fight?

This girl at my school is going to jump me on Monday. I told my mom and she told the school, but they said they can't do anything until something actually happens. Until then, it's just a rumor. I used to be friends with this girl and then she went and said my mom was fat and balding so I quit talking to her. Then she just got all mad at me for not talking to her and she's very serious about fighting me. She's about 5'5" and maybe 200 pounds. Fat, not muscle. I'm 4'11" and 105 pounds. I'm really worried because of the obvious size difference. She's also been in karate for about two months now, and is a white belt. I have no idea which style though. I'm in ITF taekwondo though, and have been for six years. But I've read a lot that taekwondo is terrible for self defense, so it seems it won't be much help. I go to a really traditional school too. It isn't a mcdojang. After six years I'm only a 4th gup blue belt and I go to class four times a week. Anyway, will her size just have her at a complete advantage? Do I have no chance even with my taekwondo training? Other than sparring, I've never been in a fight. I don't want to be in a fight, but if it's self defense there isn't anything I can do. Do I stand a chance at all?

Is it okay to eat 8 tyson chicen nuggets once every day?

I do kickboxing 4 times a week for 45 mins. I do boxing once a week (sometimes) for 45 mins and i spar in kickboxing sometimes once a week for 45 mins. Is it ok for me to eat 8 pieces of chicken nuggets not everyday but like once every few days? or once every other day?

What's this? Rangers have sold the SPL trophy?

I like John as a pundit, he speaks the truth most of the time, but aye his predictions are always very poor, lets admit it though selling Miller for a pathetic 400K was madness considering he was still in the top 5 for the golden boot award.

Isnt it the worst feeling when?

I feel your pain. I often think the evil should get a good a$$ kicking, but as a Christian i'm not supposed to think that way.... But there's no denying the fact that if you allow losers and the evil to continue to be many people's lives will they ruin or hurt or destroy. Sure, they can't change without a little visit from the Holy Spirit, but I still would love to do some a$$ kicking to remind them that they aren't protected, they aren't special and that they should reconsider thier life choices

Boxer vs a street brawler?

I wanna do boxing mainly to get a new hobby and it looks fun. But i would just like to know how good it would work with a street brawler (notice i said brawler not fighter). I know a street fighter have weapons and stuff but say it was just fists. Btw say its a street brawler who had been in a lot of fights and had experience vs a boxer who has just sparred and done a lot of training, maybe a couple of fights. And Im sorry for asking this because i know the boxing forum probably gets this stupid question a lot though lol.

I received a job offer, embellished my work dates and am now expecting Hireright..Questions?

You can find most common job interview questions and interview tips for misc job positons here -

I was hit 3 nights ago, and had a terrible headache saw doctor yesterday, he said concussion but my head still?

It sounds like normal concussion symptoms.... Being out in the sun has always triggered symptoms for me try to wear sunglasses when you go out.... And if anything gets worse than go to your doctor or to the ER if things get really bad!! And consider getting an imPACT test done!!!! Hope you feel better soon!!!

Second part of Avalon- publishing question is still open!?

If you want to publish it then publish it. It's not up to us, but I still think that all of the metaphors and confusing words make it very hard to read. I don't even know what you mean by "a bodily utterance".

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to get faster, stronger, increase endurance?

If you want to loose weight you have to do cardio for at least 2 hours. To be a good striker you must do aimed power shots one at a time and rest. If you throw a bunch of punches youre just gonna loose all your energy and loose the fight, one of the most important things about fighting is conserving energy.

How to become a pro boxer?

I'm not looking to be the next Muhhamad Ali or Klitschko but just be a pro. I'm 15 and have been doing boxing for about a month and I'm gonna start sparring soon. What I'm asking is a detailed explaniation from going from sparring at my small club to boxing proffesional. Also how long did it take you to spar?

Do you like this name for a three year old Thoroughbred gelding?

i am a big horse fan myself, them two names are great but i prefer apollox dream :)), are you racing or?

Vanessa wigs in New Jersey?

Hello all, I am working as a marketing manager in an organization based at New Jersey. I want to enhance my look through applying some sort of vanessa wigs since it is somewhere reflect my job. So please tell me where can I move towards vanessa wigs in NJ.

Is it normal to kind of enjoy fighting?

I had a fight on the last day of the school year (About 2 weeks ago), I've had a few fights before this but this fight was probably the longest and most "brutal" so to speak, I got a black eye and he got a busted nose, I'm 14 and he's 17, but for some reason when I was fighting I felt an adrenaline rush, like I was enjoying it, which I never used to feel. I started boxing a couple of weeks before, and I was decent at it, but after the fight I've really improved, and at sparring I'm alot better, infact I now spar with grown men in their 20's, and I feel an adrenaline rush then too, especially when I'm landing hits. In my other fights I never felt like this, so I'd just like to know if this is normal. Thanks in advance.

How long does a jellyfish sting last?

I was stung by a jellyfish on my forearm, in Folly Beach, South Carolina around the beginning of August of last year ('10). There is a medium sized scar that I've been told will be there for the rest of my life. Rarely, but often enough, I may feel a tiny sting where the initial sting was. When I was stung, protocol was followed and, we believed we removed all the toxin from the area. Is it possible to still feel an occasional tiny sting, in a larger vicinity after almost a year after being stung?

Bruised shin from sparring?

It's too late in the game to do something about the bruise. Just going to let it heal now in it's own good time. I am in a traditional school and we learn how to take care of bruises right after sparring. It speeds up the healing process. It's unfortunate that people today only want to know about how to hurt but can not even take care of simple bruises or other minor injuries. If your teacher does not know how to do these things ask around and learn from other martial artists. There are pressure points that heal, massage that helps with sore muscles and small injuries and some herbal lore. It does come in handy.

Atheists and Others: Whatever will you ask about on May 22, 2011?

Harold Camping's folly will once again be history, and you will need new cannon fodder..... so what will it be?

What are the vehicle requirements for travelling to France from the UK?

Taking a ford transit for work in France. it will be full of tools. I am getting covers on my lights so they reflect the correct way. I'm getting it serviced and going to renew the MOT. Anything else I should know about? Also there will be no passenger so how am i going to pay the tolls?

What could a "State-owned" bank mean for US, debt-ridden, States?

Considering most of the states are going bankrupt it's not exactly the place I woulds trust my money to

Isn't your Moon sign more influential on your personality than your Sun?

Doesn't your moon govern your inner self, which is who you REALLY are, instead of just your "basic character" which is reflected by your Sun sign?

MakeUp Artist Business Name?

How about Beauty Care Queen? If you need all of the makeup brand names worldwide, you might want to check out website. They offer free shipping worldwide.

Karate, by myself?? and the occasionally sparring partner?

Because i really want to learn karate but cant go to a class, can i teach my self? from instructional DVDs and books? Do you know how i can do this or if i can add you on yahoo messenger so you can help me with questions and stuff. Please someone hellp??.. what do i need, what do i do? help

Have you ever had any issue with young students all the sudden not wanting to spar?

I have a 10 year old girl in one of my classes who today just had a meltdown about how she was scared to spar in a tournament today. It was just bizzare this girl has always loved sparring and has competed in high leval tournaments. She attends a weekly sparing class that is optional. We spar in almost every class. She does very well in class. There were 5 kids in her division- 3 of which were from our dojo who she has gone against multiple times in the dojo- she kept saying she knew how hard the boys hit and didn't know how hard the other boys would hit (we had to combine boys and girls for her division but all were around her size, age, and rank(beginner-intermediate). I offered to let her move up a division where it was all girls who the majority she had sparred with before but she refused there. She was so upset she was crying- which is rare for her and I was unable to understand really what her deal was. I am not angry with her I am just so confused because I was planning on working with her solo and see about qualifying for nationals next year because she had the enthusiasm and the talent. I had not mentioned this to either her parents or her yet. But I don't know quite what to do. She has not got injured in any dojo matches we do mixed gender sparing all the time- that is the way I prefer to do it. I guess my question is have you ever had a situation like this? How can I get her excited about sparing again? Last week she was kicking but in class and today she was saying she wouldn't spar because she did not want to fight 2 boys because she didn't know how hard they hit and thought her classmates would hit her too hard- which has never been an issue before... Just don't know what is going on...

This or That [Street Editon 2]?

Adam / Arrow / Ancient / Briar / Bailey / Brussels / Carson / Center / Cheston / Dennison / Davis / Emerson / Field / Forest / Gracewell / Hardon / Harvard / Holly / Ivy / Johanna / Knight / Kenwood / Laconia / Laurel / Liberty / Maxwell / Meadow / Orchard / Palomina / Reed / River / Sage / Spring / Sunset / Terrace / Victory / Willow

Do u think this is a good workout routine?

thats a good routine for speed and quickness training, but yo should lift some weights to get stronger and more powerful. it sounds like thats all you lack. i recommend you take off one of your training days at least a week for some weights, stick to power lifts, and for a fighter stick to mainly shoulders, triceps chest and legs for maximum punching and kicking power

Where can I find the next Spar Tournament Contender in Sims 3?

My Sim went to Shang Simla, and I used the phone to call for the next person to spar with for the Martial Arts Tournament, but they said they were busy. I checked the marketplace, but they weren't there. I have no idea what to do about finding them. Any ideas?

Full contact sparring in kung fu?

I am 14 years old, I was given the option to participate in full contact sparring with the adult class. I am nervous about the sparring. How old where you when you first started full contact sparring, and did you wear any protective gear? Sifu says I will wear headgear, gloves and a mouthguard. I am afraid that something might happen to my braces when I spar. I am allowed to kick and punch to the legs and everywhere on the body except groin. Sifu says it will be 3 2 minute bouts with 1 minute of rest. Are there any major injuries that happen during sparring?

Questions about my martial arts experience and training...?

som im a 20 yr old male. i formally practiced tae kwon do for about a year and a half when i was around 13-14 yrs old. i had stop stop after i entered high school as i no loner had as much free time. i was really good at it (maybe op 5 in my class) and often won competitions and such. If im not mistaken, i was 2 belts away from black. Its been at least 6 years since then, but i was thinking about it the other day, and i would really like to start training again. (not formally though, just on my own). i sparred by myself a bit in my basement and i surprisingly still remember a lot. obviously i was very rusty (especially in proper form and flexibility) but i still think i can start again and pick up fairly fast. What do you guys think?? i this possible or will i have to start over again with classes and formal training??

Does it anger Odin when I pray to Jesus?

I want to be sure I get into Valhalla when I'm slain. Will he be mad that I sometimes stray from the path and sneak in a little tempting Jesus worship. I admit, I do it because I'm to weak to always walk the path of the Aesir.. and maybe it's a sort of denial.. Anyhow, I know Odin isn't very forgiving, but do you think he cares about my follies, assuming I'm smeared in blood when I die?

Knuckle/hand pain from boxing?

The wraps and the gloves only offer some protection, not total. You could still train, work the legs or something else.

Muay Thai vs point fighting Karate?

I'm thinking of sparring someome who knows point fighting karate which is also tournament style and apparently traditional Japanese... Once I learn Muay Thai really well I want to spar with this person... What fighting technique would be superior if both fighters to say were at the same level of experience let's say 2 years for each at this point... In a full out no holds barred fight

Can a member of staff ask me why i have to pay hmcs court fees card at a paypoint outlet?

i went into my local spar to pay my court fees on the card the hmcs provided me and the lady behind the counter asked me why i had to pay my court fees, when i got the card in the letter it said that they are not aloud to ask this, but since then i have not been able to find conformation of this on the internet if you could tell me the in's and out's, or even a link will be great that you all.

I want to buy a new surfboard. I am 6'5" and weigh roughly 165 lbs.?

I have been surfing for about three years on a 9 ft. longboard in charleston. I have tried a 5' 6" shortboard and know damn well that that aint happening. I was thinking about a retro fish since theres so much mush here in folly beach sc. just any advice would help me tremendously.

Will i spar in mma class just like people do in boxing?

im 15 and i wanna take mma for 3 days a week, but later on i wanna spar cause thats when you learn the most well not the most but a lot

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Who would win... MUSCLE VS TECHNIQE?

The better fighter wins, i.e. not the muscular guy. Fighting has little to do with strength. I don't care how much you bench, chances are I still hit harder due to proper technique and conditioning. When I first started martial arts, I met someone who weighed right around 140-150 range who kicked harder than every single person their except the 200 lb 4th degree black belt. Why? Because proper technique = speed, the power in a punch is momentum (mass * velocity) meaning hitting fast is just as good being bulky, and actually better since faster is harder to block. The guy kicked with near perfect technique, and thus could hit crazy hard.

Ive started MMA classes but I have another free class each week to learn another art. Which would you choose?

krav maga is one of the best on the planet right now and rare as hell to find a good teacher jump on it i have done martial arts for years and fought many of those styles listed in street fights and from that and what i have seen on videos i say krav maga but bjj is my secound choice buts give you an idea krav maga has 85%my vote and bjjhas 10% the rest got the remaining 5% split between them

Is this poem any good?

I read it two times; it was a very enjoyable poem. I liked the overall feel of it. It had good flow, nice imagery, and good diction. You shouldn't doubt your ability.

I need help on how to sooth my hurting jaw?

well i don't have tmj or lock jaw. i know i got this pain from a sparring match because im in martial arts but im just trying to know how to sooth it or relieve it because it's annoying. plus when i try to close my jaw tight or open it all the way it hurts. please help oh and it's only on my left side of my jaw

Does this correctly reflect The Obama Legacy?

Barry's legacy will be an economy similar to Carter. I never thought we would have a president as bad as Carter, but I was wrong. Barry needs to stop blaming Bush for his own crap policy, stop spending since you can't spend your way out of a mess, repeal ObamaCare since we don't want it, stop doing an end run around congress regarding amnesty since we don't want it AND stop golfing so much!

How would the world be different if everyone knew to say thank you, please, sorry?

If they knew to, if that's the way things were. Not by choice, but simply that's what was reflected inside and outside of humanity? How would the world be different?

Although the triumph of the American union movement of the 1930s temporarily resulted in impressive gains...?

Although the triumph of the American union movement of the 1930s temporarily resulted in impressive gains for American industrial workers, in the long run the disastrous spread of the country’s Rust Belt (caused by the eventual outsourcing of manufacturing jobs in search of much cheaper wages) proves the folly of accepting unions. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

I'm skipping grading, I'm getting destroyed in kumite, what do you think?

I too felt that way about my first promotion test. I thought it was too soon and that I wasn't up to par. But I can never forget what my current Shotokan instructor told us after our first promotion test. He told us that we passed because he saw the potential and the determination to perfect our techniques, not because we were good at kumite. One of our classmates who took the test barely survived the kumite but he tried his best to execute the only two techniques he knew well, Gyaku tsuki and Mae geri, but he however passed the Kata and Kihon Waza test hence he was promoted. Our instructor said this was because judging performance in kumite is not based on wins but on how you applied the basic techniques you learned during kumite, you can't always win all the time, because there will always be someone better than you. You use kumite to measure your skills, but at your own pace, not everyone progresses at the same time. As long as you used kumite in this context and not think of it as an ego boosting exercise, then you can learn something from the experience and strive to do better in the next test. You can always work on your kumite during regular sparring. But bad form and technique on the other hand is unacceptable. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide whether you want to take the test or not, but you must keep in mind that your instructor is more experienced and can see more than you can regarding your skill level and readiness for promotion. We tend to be perfectionists and this is not bad, but sometimes our insecurities also tends to hold us back. Talking to your sensei sincerely about your apprehension and hesitation about taking the test is fine, but making up an alibi to not take the test on the other hand is a sign of disrespect. It means you don't trust him enough to tell him the truth and would rather resort to deception, This is not what discipline is all about and it certainly is not a good practice to cultivate. Just be honest and tell him the truth.

Is it me or tkd is pretty ineffective?

He was probably weak. Unless you really dedicate your self at Taekwondo, you're gonna suck at fighting.

I am an Indian, dress neatly- I feel people comment on me in bus and train, positive of course?

I feel people comment on me while traveling and at Uni- in Sydney. Does this happen or my psychological problem! They are positive comments, I am lucky. I wonder what would it be if it is negative whispers. I asked my chinese friend my problem- he says its better than commenting in your absence, and also says that they are compliments. But I feel like uneasy. I appreciate that them commenting good on a black shows their nice and open mentality, but I am a shy guy and do not know how to respond. How shall I respond under such situation. I worked many years in industry under tough conditions, so my personality reflects confidence and toughness, which is unique to typical Indians. I feel the same at uni while going by bus as those teenagers commenting on me- positive again and thank god. I love communicating with those beautiful girls but do not know how to. Can any one suggest me please?

What size should of glove should i buy for bag gloves?

i have some 16oz gloves for sparring but looking for some bag gloves because the gloves being used at my gym smell so gross(12oz) about 6 feet and around 157 pounds....what size should i buy???? 12,14,16???????

Gay men: Have you ever been told to sod off when trying to chat someone up?

And did you reflect on the fact that sod means homosexual, and that this phrase was meant in not just a metaphorical way but a literal one too?

How to keep a cool head in martial art fighting?

Hi. I do Taekwondo and I'm only a beginner. To be honest, my teacher is not a very good one and it's the only TKD club in my area. So I am seeking some help here on Yahoo! Answers. OK, so whenever I start a sparring fight, I forget all the plans I made before for the opponent after a minute or two. It's so frustrating. I just can't keep a cool head. So what can I practice to develop having a cool head during a fight? I just made up one method. Right after doing some jogging or something to tire myself up, I will just start playing chess or solving sudoku or something like that. So will it really work or will it just make me worse? Any other ideas? Thanks.

How should we shun a disobedient fellow believer?

From my experience, those who are in disobedience tend to disassociate themselves. In my opinion, our "shunning" should come in the form of not going out of way to bridge the gap, or to give them reason to think their disobedience is acceptable.

How do you even begin to forgive yourself for doing something really really bad and crazy?

she definatly used youu, and honestly it was good you told her how you felt but to forgive your self just ask for her forgivness? or justforget about it and move on

How to get great boxing defense/ sharp reflexes?

I work on the slip/maize bag a lot but i dont think it really helps me with slipping punches because when they actually come at my during sparring i react differently. how can i get reflexes like pernell whitaker?

I think Im obsessed with fighting?

Okay, everyday I think about fighting. It stays on my mind at least 85% of the time during the course of one day. I never used to be like this. I used to never fight because I was always scared to get beat up and I didn't have the necessary skills. I'm not a bad person at all. I"m very respectful, I don't let people's words bother me. I've had this obsession every since I started watching the ultimate fighter season 1 with Forrest Griffin and Josh Koscheck and all those guys. I don't want to go out and start a fight because I'm not that kind of person. Believe it or not, I avoid physical conflict whenever possible. But I want to fight someone so bad and I don't have the money to train for mma or boxing or anything like that. Everyday I get up and go to the mirror to shadow box and Every Wednesday I can't wait to get home from school to watch UFC Unleashed followed by the ultimate fighter. It's just me and my mom in the house and I don't have alot of friends so I can't spar with anybody. When I get on the internet I look up MMA Highlights of people getting KTFO. So what can I do to quench my thirst until the time comes when I have to fight.

Please help paraphrise this poem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) 10 p best anwser?

Blow, you winter wind, you aren't so bad as man's ingratitude or as mean, because you aren't seen, even if your breath is mean. Sing with joy in the green holly, most friendships are a joke, life is really funny. Just go on and freeze you bitter sky, your hardships don't come close to the good things forgot: Though you make storms on the oceans, your pain isn't so sharp as a friend that's forgotten. Sing with joy in the green holly, most friendships are a joke, life is really funny.

Why has the Queen allowed Royal assent for a war bill on Libya when no attack has occurred?

Maybe she is following suit with our dumba$$ I mean beloved Obama and claims sending in drones to kill people doesn't mean war, just keep the boots off the ground and everything is ok. Got to love the BS, if they sent drones into yours or my country we would declare that an act of war immediately.

18th birthday invitation wording?

Invitations don't have to be "creative" or "original". Just say "You are cordially invited to..." followed by the particulars of the event.

How easy is it to get into competitive MMA as there's an explosion in MMA gyms?

No trouble at all since there is also an explosion in competitions to accomodate the explosion of MMA practitioners. Besides competitions is where the money is for these schools.

Why do ghost hunters still feel the need to try and photograph "ghosts"?

For the same reason that people continue to practice religion. They want to believe in something magical. I blame the practice of telling children that Santa and the Easter Bunny exist. When they grow into adulthood, they subconsciously crave that feeling of believing in something magical.

Is it the duty of the government or that of the individual to protect the earth?

How can the individual and the state work together to ensure that future generations do not pay for the folly of the current generation?

Life question, please read and answer?

I'm graduating from highschool tomorrow and i thought i would reflect on my last 4 years of secondary school and my life. Social life.....i have friends at school, and buddies. My friends are people i hang out with at school but i only chill with the one friend after school and i dont chill with the others. Its more because i think they are goofs and in a way i never wanted to be friends with them. My buddies are people who respect me and stuff like that. I have a ton of buddies and a lot of people at my school love me and know who i am, but i know none of them would hang out with me on a regular basis even when i have brought it up before. They only chill with me when we're at parties, in which i hardly ever party. When I'm not a school I'm sort of a loner, i chill with my cousin and bro a lot but i also like to be independent. I play video games 3 hours a day, i work out and ride my book quite frequently. I don't see myself as a legit loner but i don't like doing things by myself all the time and i want friends that are actually like me now, because i screwed up at the beginning. Hopefully when i go to college i will meet people that are a lot like me, that like sports, partying, laid back etc. I'm the right kid with the wrong people. I know it may sound cocky but its the legit conclusion that i have came up with and i know its true. My future looks stiff. I have ADD so i'm worried about some things, i can't see myself being successful in the future, no matter how hard i think about it, at times i think about committing suicide if my future turns out to be bad. My parents and family are great but i'm just a lazy *** who needs help.

What do you think of this snippet (honest feedback)?

I really don't feel inclined to give serious editorial comment to something that was written because you were bored. It says to me that you really don't care much about the piece you are writing. Sorry, but that's the impression I get - and it isn't just you. I'm getting quite tired of people posting stuff that they just wrote five minutes ago, asking for critiques and telling me to ignore the spelling and grammar.

Do atheists really need a label?

Language and identity-specific words are something we use, not necessarily to differentiate between 'default' and 'other' positions. Rather, they're something we use to make clear a specific object, person, or objects or groups of people. The only thing denoted by referring to atheists, is the definition of the word atheist which refers to a specific characteristic that is common among atheists. People may mistakenly assume additional connotations to the word. But using the word atheist, or any other word, to point out or describe a specific thing, group, or characteristic, is not wrong or unnecessary, regardless of whichever characteristic is perceived as being default. It would be a step backward in language to discontinue use of words that accurately describe and help to clarify concepts that people wish to refer to.

I am not getting better at sparring in both boxing and thaiboxing?

Hey this sounds pretty simple.. foot work! your foot working is in correct. if you start a combination and end up short on your last punch witch should be a power punch means he has stepped back an you improperly move forward. thats why all your lead shots land like your 1, front leg kick back leg kick.. simple i can help you out with your foot work if your serious. im no trainer just a fighter looking out for other fighters.

Is there any chance we'll see Khan spar with Pacquiao in preparation for Judah?

It must be a rare thing to have a sparring partner that's actually superior to the opponent one is about to face. But if he needs a left handed boxer with speed and power to spar with, why not Pac?

What does this oil drawing mean?

Today, we listened to music in one of my classes and it was a very intense piece. The teacher told us to draw contours - that's it - and use whatever color we felt the music was reflecting. Mine had a little bit of every color - all the warm and all the cool. Most of the other people were limited to pinks and oranges and purples. I felt a litle bit of every color. Also, I had so many sharp strokes. Most of the other kids just used curvy, more free strokes, whereas mine were complex and strong. I also colored over everything, whereas everyone else kind of restricted from coloring over their previous contours. Since mine was more sharp and had more colors, what does that say about me? The teacher even said, "These drawings show so much about you guys, you don't even know."

Muay thai sparring help?

I have been training in muay thai for about a month and i have just started sparring. I am 6'2 and i weigh about 170-180. My kicks are pretty strong but for some reason i can't ever land them in sparring. everybody waits for me to swing then they counter. i have gotten good at dodging and deflecting blows myself but i feel i always have to initiate the attack for anything to even happen. P.S. the guys I spar with mostly know TKD and we only go for the chest(we wear the protective vest). Maybe it would be much easier to setup a kick if i could punch in the face as a distraction then throw a kick? I really don't know. Any help is appreciated.

Why do some people claim a movie is a folly until it becomes a huge box office success?

Not true. Many films have met critical praise while falling absolutely flat at the box office. Similar to what you said though there are also some movies which are met with no enthusiasm, but meet huge success when they release, or sometimes years after their release.

What is the matrix used to reflect a point across an arbitrary line in the coordinate plane?

In geometry class, I studied transformational geometry. In my textbook, there is a graphing calculator activity where you imput matrices to transform objects. So I was fascinated and began to learn matrices on my own. I have matrices for arbitrary rotation, dilation, and translation, but none for reflection. So I researched it, but found nothing. Is there a matrix for reflection ? If so, what are the entries ? If not, explain why.

Whats the image of the vector reflected in a mirror?

Vector <7i - 4j + 2k > in the mirror has a normal that is parallel to the vector <3i + 6j - 5k>?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is a nice hard sparring glove?

The guys in my gym use old Title gloves that have hardly any padding left and it feels like I'm being hit by a lunchbox. I use Winning Gloves, as they are like giant pillows, they seem to provide an unfair advantage to my opponent. What is a good sparring glove that's a little bit harder? Grant, Casanova, or Cleto?

Feeling lightheaded and a little off after sparring?

i sparred two days this past week. 2 days ago was the last time. i really dont have a lot of experience with boxing and took a few shots that stunned me. i have been feeling lightheaded, kind of heavy on the left side of my head, when i move my head too fast i feel a delayed reaction kind of like the inside of my head has to catch up. anybody ever feel these symptoms after sparring?

What causes the wavelength of incoming solar energy to change when reflected from a surface?

When soil reflects incoming solar radiation, the emitted radiation is a shorter wavelength than the incoming wavelength. Is this to do with the amount that is absorbed or is there some other mechanism driving the change in wavelength? Does the emitted wavelength differ depending on the reflecting surface (e.g. ice, forest canopy etc) or is it more or less the same?

What do you think of these poems?

Very interesting and different i must say. Not original. If that's right. I do admire the out there things. Keep going at your poetry.

Are Newfoundland puppies Ok in salty ocean water?

I want to take my 3.5 months old Newfy to Folly Beach, SC for Memorial Day. It is going to be his first time on the beach. Is it too early for him or you think he will be ok?

Need karate sparring gear?

I would prefer not to buy the gear online, does anyone know a physical store I can go to ,so that I can make sure I buy the right size gear.

I cannot forgive myself for the terrible thing i did to my friend. How do you work on the forgiveness of self.?

I'm never one to apologize for my feelings, maybe my actions and never my feelings. I get that u were upset and u retreat ur actions but if she was a true friend she would have responded to the first email and maybe the other ones u would have send wouldnt have been so harsh. Feeling manipulated and used is a valid emotion and I don't think that u would just be making that up. U maybe retraction ur initial thought bcuz ur so ridden with guilt but, don't use ur guilt as an excuse. U wanted a apology, u wanted her to acknowledge what she did was wrong so what u did was a cry for help. It was the release of built up stress and frustration, although it may have been wrong to tell her the way u did none the less its how she made u feel. Some ppl do not how to appreciate a nice person or know how to be a real friend. Don't feel bad for what u did a real friend can forgive and forget especially since uve been Soo good to her. If all she did was just x u out of her life then u just need to move on. Stand firm on ur position and move on. Time heals all

Where can i enter a MMA tournament in Arizona?

i am currently 15 ima blue belt and really really wanna spar tell me where i can sign up for free plez?

If you were raised Christian, did there come a time when you contemplated all that you learned?

No one is really raised a Christian. A person becomes a Christian through personal faith in Christ. You can't "raise" that into somebody.

How can I make myself faster?

use weights. wrist weights, ankle weights, a weighted vest, etc. It'll build strength, and will increase your speed once you remove the weights because you will have become accustomed to the weighted movements.

Need help choosing a martial art?

Okay so ever since i was young i've always wanted to be able to fight. When i was small my parents enrolled me in karate and taekwondo classes. From what ive learned these were mcdojos and they were just trying to get my money, cuz i didnt learn anything and they truly couldnt have cared less about what i was learning or my performance. Recently i watched a Bruce Lee movie as well as and episode of Fight Quest where they go to japan to learn kyokoushin karate. I know these are bad things to go off of, so i researched martial arts alot. I am now positive that i want to learn a martial art of some-sort. I'm looking for something where I am able to spar in class as well as affect me mentally. I have looked into kendo, kyokoushin karate, and boxing. Are there any other martial arts i should look into, especially in the tree of karate? What happens if i do all three?

Was Paul A Deceiver???????

Yes. Christianity should be called "Paul ism". There is a theory Paul is largely responsible for the Dark Ages of Europe and the slave trade in America. He is the "Genius of hatred" as Nietzsche put it. Negative for negatives sake.

Alabama Sorts Festival Tae Kwon Do?

when registering, it says it is $35 for two events. Is that sparring and forms? If so can only do sparring and not forms.

Poll; Who believes in God, and who doesn't?

I believe in a God, not necessarily the Christian or Catholic one though. I do believe that there is some sort of higher existence, or that there is an afterlife (maybe reincarnation), but some of the stuff in the bible doesn't make sense. If God created earth, where did the rest of the planets come from, and the other millions of galaxies, stars, etc.? How did he create the sea if we know that water is actually created with a bond of two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen? Adam and Eve don't make a lot of sense to me either, but I don't feel like typing a lot more. So what I'm trying to say is that I don't see why religion and science can't co-exist. A lot of people have a big problem with that.

Can i go to college or should i enlist ?

Im a florida resident aporoching my sr year .Lets start off by saying I had a really bad freshman and sophemore year. I had to deal with a lot, and its reflected in my GPA. I have a 2.74 unweighted,(I don't know how much weighted) , I bombed the act with a 21 . My AP and honors course list is as follows : AP Human Geo,Ap world history, AP us history, AP psychology , AP English comp, Bio hon, earth space hon, chemistry hon, physics hon, English 2 hon, geometry. Hon, & pre Cal / trig .... (The next few are my SR schedule) AP statistics, AP European history, AP enviormental science, AP economics ¯oeconomics , & AP government ... All I wanted to do was go to fsu & get a double major in business admin. & international studies , so I can start a non profit that raises awareness about the developing world while donating money to these countries....any suggestions of any colleges that would take me , or should i enlist Sorry for errors i wrote this on my phone

Feedburner won't update my feed?

Feedburner is not updating my feed. The feed's source is updating but Feedburner is not reflecting the updates. I pinged. I pressed the nuclear button. I waited 30 minutes. I refreshed. I emptied the cache. I tried different browsers. The feed medic told me the feed checks out. It's hours later. What is wrong? Many thanks.

How well could I do in a street fight?

BJJ is a sport based style. It wouldn't do well in a street fight. In a street fight you're likely to be either outnumbered or in an area with debris on the ground. Neither situation is good for BJJ. If you managed to get in a street fight on a grassy meadow against one person, you'd do good, but that rarely happens in real life, especially if you're trying to avoid a fight like any real martial artist would.

How can i beat a fast kickboxer?

most of the kick boxers at the club i go to have only ever done kickboxing, iv been going 3 years now and only just started sparring, before kickboxing i did normal boxing which is very different, im used to moving slow and getting in close to my opponent, i find it impossible to do so with kickboxing, i know how to block the kicks and know how to throw the kicks but they always keep me at a distance, when i finally do get in to them they always get me first and move away, iv been doing shadow boxing and a lot of work to try and improve my speed but i just cannot get my opponent. Im not a light footed fighter, never have been, never will be but it just really annoys me how i cannot get one hit in. I get a hit in every so often to be honest but most of them skim my opponent, very rarely i get a good hit, how can i improve?

Was Paul A Deceiver???????

Yes. Christianity should be called "Paul ism". There is a theory Paul is largely responsible for the Dark Ages of Europe and the slave trade in America. He is the "Genius of hatred" as Nietzsche put it. Negative for negatives sake.

Training Taekwondo sparring without a partner at home?

I train in Taekwondo and I was wondering if there are some good ways to train on your own (particularly for sparring). I have a kicking bag but that's about it at home. I have my own methods but I'm interested in hearing new ideas. I'm unable to train with others at my Taekwondo due to some scheduling conflicts for about a month.

Declined for credit card with a decent FICO score?

Seems pretty self-explanatory to me. 638 is on the low side of "decent" and credit score is not the sole factor that creditors use in making their decisions.

How dangerous is boxing? do you think i could be a boxer?

If your doing amateur boxing its not too dangerous, off course there are risks...there are always risks

My mom says I work out excessively ???? ?

I do around the same workout and i think that is fine. Nothing has happened to me and i have been doing this for a year now. My son that is 11 came with me one day (very fit btw) and he powered through it. As long as you can handle it, and you dont feel over fatigued u id say ur just fine.

Why do you box/what do you look forward to when sparring?

I'm 65 now, but loved to spar and utilized a defensive mode. I'd take steps back, stop and counter, turn, sidestep and hit and not get hit. I had no desire to be the agressor, just enjoy the technical aspects of countering, parrying blows and trying to successfully slip punches. Had loads of fun with this. I was 6'1" and 215 lbs. in my longer days. Was sparring with a guy who was probably 5'8" and 160 lbs. He hit me on the left temple, without us wearing headgear and my head hurt for days. Once again proved to me, NEVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR OPPONENT.

Can you guess my zodiac sign?

Wow. I'm 90% sure that you are a sagittarius. Its like you described me :P . We are very veeeeeery similar. Thats just what others and I think about me. If I'm right than I welcome you sister to the beautiful world of sag babes ;)

Monday, August 8, 2011

My mom wants me to take karate,but I dont want to because Im scared of fighting.?

My mom wants me to take Karate because she saw a nice Karate dojo and was wowed by the training techniques they did there. Now she wants me to join that place. I want to go kind of because its a good workout and alot of my friends lost weight because of Karate or tae kwon do. But on the other hand,Im scared. Im scared that I will have trouble finding friends,Im scared of fighting/sparring. Im not a wimp,if someone messes with me,I will beat the heck out of them. Im scared of fighting in martial arts.

Is our world real? or is it just folly statements?

We don't know where we came from, or how we got here, but that doesn't mean you can go and make up answers. It's as simple as "There's no reason to believe we all live in the matrix (or whatever you would like to call it), and until there is then you shouldn't believe it or waste your time playing "what if" games."

How does light change color when it reflects off of something?

If a blue panel and a red panel have the same light reflecting off of it, why are the photons different colors? And if it reflects from the blue to the red, how does it change to red?

Call this a typical teenage problem....?

Okay. So I am a 14 yr old girl who will be going into High School next year. I honestly hate the way I dress (My clothes are so boring and I have no distinct style). I wan't to be able to wear the clothes I wan't (And in my mind I have a very set look) but I don't think my parents will be very happy. Let's just say they are a little bit like a mine. They are set off by even the smallest disturbance. And honestly, right now I can't afford to get on their bad side (For reasons I won't even approach). I am very into alternative/rock/punk music and although my parents are semi aware of my taste (And are very unhappy as it stands) they have no idea about how serious and obsessed I am with it and how important my music is. My music kind of reflects my style and that's where my problem begins (Sorry btw by describing my style as scene, I hate labels but it's the closest thing I could think of) Anyway, I'm not crazy enough to suddenly jump into the boat and scare the **** out of my parents, I just wan't to know how to handle my situation without pissing them off. Honestly, I don't mean to sound like a poser or whatever but it is CRUCIAL I don't get them mad. That's the only reason I haven't just talked to my parents or bought clothes of my taste.

Geico member for 7 years now, are they overpriced due to their endless advertising?

I think that what Geico spends on advertising is less than what its competitors spend on paying commissions to insurance agents. I could be wrong.

P90X... What do I have to do to be prepared?

Okay, so I'm 22 years old. I weigh 190 lbs. My body fat percentage is around 23%. I haven't been active in any sports or workouts for the past 8 years. My body, surprisingly, doesn't really reflect the way I live my live. I eat Bullshit, I don't work out, I smoke... but I'm only 190 lbs when I feel I should be around 250 lbs. Anyways, with that said... I've finally chose to make a life style change. I've decided to do the P90X workout. What am I getting my self into? I'm not going to purchase any kind of supplement or nutrition plans from them directly... So what kind of supplements should I use? What kind of foods should I be eating? How many times a day should I eat? Yes, I'm absolutely sure I want to do this workout. I feel like I should change the way I'm living my life before I end up with diabetes, or become too obese...etc... Any thoughts or suggestions would be great. Thanks.

Are using the shins allowed in taekwondo?

i used to learn muay thai now im learning tkd. i always use my shin to block the kicks and also to use it to kick. is blocking with the shin allowed in tkd sparring? is kicking with the shin aloowed in tkd?

How can I improve the expression of this ode?

I need all of your poems in a book - a SET of books, except for those you will not share. I need your poems in a set of books I can read and savor. Any publisher rejecting these as unworthy and not marketable would be very foolish, indeed.

How do you block or avoid a kick to the lower leg?

That is why he is throwing them, so you can learn. He is your teacher. Ask him for advice, not us. He'll tell you better than we can.

Should we tax plastic bags?

it seems that you assume nobody throws away or recycles plastic bags... or maybe you live in a place where all the landscape is covered in plastic bags.... interesting

Would boxing complement Shotokan karate?

Moonlighting in another style would be very good for you. It seems like your school is very traditional and almost reminds me of an Aikido school in the way of, "less sparring, more technique". Personally I think that's a bad way to train because it makes you get the wrong feel about fighting. If you're doing it for a hobby then its no big deal, but if you want to compete than its a good idea to look up something else. I've studied Shotokan Karate a bit, just to learn about it, and I've found its a decent style. It still has the "old school" mentality you find in some styles but its overall not bad. Though if you're going through lax training, maybe you should look for another school that has a similar style that you can get more sparring and competitive training in. After all, you can practice a technique 100 times, but if you're not used to doing it against someone who's trying to hurt you in the process, you're not gonna be ready when the time comes to use it. Try looking for something like Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, Kickboxing, or even just a different Karate school. This way your training wont go to waste and you'll be able to transition well.

Christians do you do this?

Folly is close to the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him. (Proverbs 22:15 NAB)

I've got a question about a wooden sparring partner called a "mook jong?"?

I've heard that a mook jong has three short arms and one leg, what are those used for, I know their used to represent possible positions of an attacker's arm, but what kind of attack does the arm at stomach height represent. Also, the wooden man or dummy, mook jong, is usually supported by a frame or heavy base structure, a man made a mook jong by cultivating, trimming, and carving on of the trees in his yard. I understand carving and trimming, but why cultivating, what does that even mean and even more, I've heard that it means to grow, doesn't that mean he would have to grow the tree for like 50 years?

What are our chances with 2 mature follicles?

I think you have a really good chance of catching that little eggie this month! Seeing as you have 2 that are mature enough to come out and be fertilized. I see no reason why this month shouldnt be the month for you two. Just be sure to get it on like crazy and keep all his little spermies fresh and supplied so that when your little egg drops BAM conception LOL. Good luck! Ill keep my fingers crossed for you. Im glad they decided to use Clomid for you and not another cycle of femara. :)

Resignation letter with the truth?

That's a BAD idea. Never put your "reasons" or criticism in writing. All you need is one sentence stating that you resign effective (date). There's no need to provide "reasons."

Should less action be taken against the cruel and more socialization?

Well first you have to stop their assault on the rest of us - you know, fackem first. Help them second. If they present asking for help, that's one thing. But if they present being cruel to us, then fackem. Once they're properly facked and have stopped being cruel to us, then we can consider helping them. But you can't reward cruelty, or you'll just encourage more cruelty.

Is my muay thai gym a mcdojo?

So in my opinion the instructors really train us well, we spar do shin conditioning, bag work, technique work, cardio, and the gym also got into the WKBC kickboxing (includes muay thai) that is held in brazil. However the thing that worries me is their ranking system. I know that muay thai doesnt have a ranking system, but still. Anyways i asked the instructor how long it would take to get a black belt level and he said around 2years. So, any help?

What is the right formula to use in Excel?

I'm trying to average a set of ongoing number entries in excel. I have 14 and growing columns(days of input) of 24 rows(hours data is recorded) and a 25th row to average all the rows above it for a daily average(example: =AVERAGE(D3:D26)). Then I am trying to average the daily averages for an overall total average (Example: =AVERAGE(28:28)). My problem is that my unfinished columns that will be filled eventually cause a #div/0 code in their respective daily averages, and it reflects to the overall total average and also gives a #div/0 code. What formula can I use to get correct results? Thank You.

Do you think my mirror poem is good?

I love the water-related imagery; for an overused metaphoric topic, you have presented it uniquely in this verse.

Please help.i need it urgently.i am in total despair.?

Again u r doing mistake baby, never think about the past, As u said ur school is ending now its time to forget about everything what had happened before, If u think to teach them a lesson it would be a very bad idea. always try to plan a good career for ur future.If u r not able to stay in ur town then change to another place for ur further studies. All people have such type incidents in their lives, what happened is u faced that in ur early age that is why u r not able to take it. My kind advice is forget about everything and concentrate in studies. and always talk less work more. keep in mind time is very precious, each second passed away will never come back again, all the best, god bless u.

How can I tell this guy he's being cocky without sounding like a jerk?

um honestly he sounds like a loser. so you should probably just show up one day and act like he does not exist. that is like automatic shut down on behavior that you do not accept. it is basically like training a dog. do not support the kind of behavior that is not acceptable. easy peasy

Help understand this sonnet?

The writer is world weary. He is tired of seeing innocent women abused (line 6); the strong suddenly wounded or taken ill (line 8); in line 9 he does like seeing art stamped on by authority so stopping the artist from saying what he really feels. He's really depressed an wants to die. Not a happy bunny!

Are there stand up martial art health problems in the long run?

The health benefits outweigh the risks, in my opinion. Staying active and in shape is so good for your mind and body, that bumps and bruises seem like trivial problems.

How often do people get charged with assault in the dojo?

When you do a sport you consent to the norms of that sport. Hence hockey players don't normally get arrested for fighting, and linebackers don't get busted for sacking QBs either. The same goes for a dojo. If you intentionally went beyond the norms of sparring with the intent to cause injury, yes it could be construed as assault.

Opinion on this quote by Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness?

The pitiless devil is Mr. Kurtz. The sunshine was blinding him or tricking him to conceal the 'darkness' behind it. It's contrasting a sunny appearance of the land to the actual "pretending" nature of it all.

Do I have a chance of becoming a pro fighter?

I've only been boxing for about 2 months but my coachs says that "you have power, you have speed, you have stamina", all the time. Also, I've been picking up things quickly and doing well against people more experienced than me in sparring.

The illiad.. help please!!?

The Iliad reflects that view that life is not fair. Give examples from the myth to support this statement.

What poetic devices does this poem have in it? helppp please? i can only find one(:?

it has similes when it says the branches grow out, like arms and imagry throughout it. and personification - it calls it a child :)

Wan't to go in the scene direction? Help needed.?

Okay. So I am a 14 yr old girl who will be going into High School next year. I honestly hate the way I dress (My clothes are so boring and I have no distinct style). I wan't to be able to wear the clothes I wan't (And in my mind I have a very set look) but I don't think my parents will be very happy. Let's just say they are a little bit like a mine. They are set off by even the smallest disturbance. And honestly, right now I can't afford to get on their bad side (For reasons I won't even approach). I am very into alternative/rock/punk music and although my parents are semi aware of my taste (And are very unhappy as it stands) they have no idea about how serious and obsessed I am with it and how important my music is. My music kind of reflects my style and that's where my problem begins (Sorry btw by describing my style as scene, I hate labels but it's the closest thing I could think of) Anyway, I'm not crazy enough to suddenly jump into the boat and scare the **** out of my parents, I just wan't to know how to handle my situation without pissing them off. Honestly, I don't mean to sound like a poser or whatever but it is CRUCIAL I don't get them mad. That's the only reason I haven't just talked to my parents or bought clothes of my taste.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Can Christians "Trust" The Holy Spirit to Guide Them Through The Bible?

I read Revelation a couple days ago and the Holy spirit is the good teacher. I read about the 144000 martyrs who are redeemed as first fruits of God and reign with Christ for 1000 years during the Millenium. The the rest of the dead are raised after the 1000 Years thus a form of soul sleep. Many pastors are not teaching the truth of the Bible. They must think people don't read it. I know the scriptures are being fulfilled. The teaching will be lost in the last days and they are here. Jesus is coming soon

Does this sound interesting?

umm i think it ok but you need to add more to the idea. i mean like there should be more to that idea

Any advice for me to win my Taekwondo sparring match?

tell me the things i can do for my first Taekwondo competition. something like conditioning, combos, and etc. i need a lot of advices.

How do I prevent a runny nose during training and sparring?

This annoys me to no end as whenever I try to go hard as I can against a bag for a 3 minute round, I start sweating down my nose and it leaks fluid all over my mouth. I find myself constantly shoving my nose over my shoulder to wipe it off and going for my towel between rounds. I never have this problem when I do cardio or work out, but during boxing, I just get incredibly drained and my face sweats like I've just finished a chili eating contest. I don't know if it's the same for everyone else and they just deal with it (snot going in your mouth) or if it's just me. Is there something I can do about this like some kind of nasal spray or pouring salt water through my nostrils? Last thing I want is to be in a match and look like some 10 year old kid getting the snot beat out of him. Speaking of which, my nose gets incredibly itchy when it starts sweating and the only thing that makes me forget about it is getting punched in the face - any remedies for this as well?

I have issues concerning my appearance?

Basically, i have a serious issue with my self-esteem and especially how i look. I've never really thought hard about it until recently but the thing is i have some serious issues and i want to know how to deal with them... I avoid my reflection everywhere except for the mirrors in my house and a few in other peoples houses and thats it!? And i wont look in a mirror if there is someone else being reflected too, and i wont look in the mirrors in school, in toilets, in strangers houses... And i don't just avoid mirrors; i avoid glancing in windows, doors, and recently even shadowy reflections in tiles and saucepans, like seriously wtf? I actually sub-conciously avoid looking at reflections because when i do i just see faults and i become really sad and usually angry. I hate pictures and videos, i literally never let anyone take photos of me and hate any pictures i do take. I feel like what if i am just one of those people who aren;t good looking? Like they exist, and it doesnt make them a bad person or anything, they just aren't pretty... Is that me? I've never told anyone this,i'm too embarassed. I mean, i've been like this for 3 years maybe... and i'm 17. Please; any advice? What do I do? I'm sick of this insecurity.

Hey frndz pls help me again. I really want help ASAP.?

i want to make a simple Newtonian reflecting telescope . i am finding the methods for it but i can't get any simple one. Pls tell me method or give me some links where i can find the procedure. I WANT A SIMPLE METHOD. METHOD FOR SCHOOL LEVEL



Effective Martial Arts?

I agree with the guy above me. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is very fun to learn, and use. Its mostly for ground game. But with the popularity of UFC a lot of gyms teach both BJJ and Muay Thai in the same class. Muay Thai is Thai Kickboxing. So I'd say Jiu Jitsu is one to look into and you could also learn some Muay Thai while learning BJJ

Best way to help yourself train for yourself MMA fight?

I was curious I am not involved in a MMA gym and I have a fiught coming up. I have all of my training gear and been working at it. I don't have a sparring partner. I went to state all four years in highschool and have been doing a lot of shadow boxing and working on my combinations. I just was curious if someone had any pointers to offer.

A question for atheists?

Why do atheists expect me to believe what they say about evolution when they have proven to me that they tell rotten lies by distorting the Bible and misrepresenting Christianity? Thanks to atheists they strengthen my faith. You mock the word of God who used His prophets to guide people but yet you cannot see the folly of your own religion of atheism. You want me to believe that humans evolved from a puddle of monkey urine. Oh sorry, I meant to say a monkey turd. Or was it a fish that grew arms and legs LOL? Just make sure you make the right choice, because there will be no air conditioning in hell.

New Best Way to Level Up in Red Dead Redemption?

I've been playing Red Dead for a while. I've entered into Legend once and am now level 15 on 1st Legendary. I've been grinding Twin Rocks for all my XP for most of the 65 times I've leveled up and it's getting a bit old. I was wondering if there is an easier way? I have the Liars and Cheats DLC (the one with the Explosive Rifle and all the new gang hideouts/hunting grounds) so I have a few more options. Any advice is appreciated. I am on the Xbox 360 so I don't have Solomon's Folly sadly.

I want to know someone?

Growing up and through high school, I've always lived far away from my school. I never really got friends that I visited too much, except every once in a while (I lived about one hour away from school). Well, I'm out of school now, and all my friends seem to have moved out of state. I've been going to a local community college but have not really been social with anyone there as most just sort of avoid contact. It's summer again, and, except for going to work and looking on Facebook, I get little social interaction. I talk with people at work, but they are all older (around 25, I'm 19) and I find them pretty boring. I have never had a serious girlfriend, and I am constantly reflecting on my loneliness. I am told that I am handsome, and I have slimmed down in the past year. It just seems that nobody wants to interact with me -- rather, I really can't find others my age. My town is pretty boring and doesn't have gathering places nor does it have malls. I'm just stuck alone all the time, bored all day, with nothing I could do about it. Is there anything I could do? I am severely depressed at this point.

Boxing tips for sparring opponents?

I'm sparring some people tomorow,its not in a boxing gym, it's a sort of undeground thing. I know how to throw punches, we're sparring wth gloves. I'm slihglty more experienced at boxing then most people, but I want to fight, and win, don;t advise me not to p,ease.Anyways, what should I do to beat my oppenent, and look like a good fighter? Like if he;s coming rat me really aggressively and throwing many punches, what do I do, and how can I beat them? tanks

What are there differences between men and women regarding how they view religion?

Just as men are better navigators and women better at languages; or men are more natural hunters and women more natural gatherers does this reflect in any differences in men and women view and practice religion?

Are using the shins allowed in taekwondo?

i used to learn muay thai now im learning tkd. i always use my shin to block the kicks and also to use it to kick. is blocking with the shin allowed in tkd sparring? is kicking with the shin aloowed in tkd?

Could I pregnant at 10 dpo?

I am 10 dpo after having an IUI. My hubby's count was very good and so were my follies. For the past couple days I've had sore bbs (nipples are always inverted and they're occasionally popping out..tmi..sorry), constipation, very tired, vivid dreams. We finally got preggo after two years and miscarried two months ago at 4 weeks. I had these same symptoms minus constipation. Just don't know if my body is playing tricks on me, its really happening or I'm just crazy! I've been testing w/ an extremely sens test and nothing yet. Any thoughts??

Need serious advice,no offensive advice(open to ladies only)?

I read your long post, prepared to give serious advice, but dont see a question. What question do you want answered? If you resubmit with a question I am happy to try to help.

How can I motivate myself to finish a novel...?

Keep thinking of interesting ways to keep your story alive. If it bores you, it will bore your readers.

How to punish a 7 year old for misbehaving at school?

Get a belt and let loose for about ten minutes and i bet he wont do another bad thing again. Also make sure its leather. It will leave marks so be sure to hit where the shirt and pants can cover. Your welcome.

I need help finding a fight club?

I don't need it to be illegal but I want to go somewhere where I can fight and spar with other fighters, professional or not. If you could help me find a place like that close to West Orange, South Orange, Orange, Irvington, or Newark, that would be cool. Thanks.

How do photons reflected by mirror?

If photons incident on the plane of the mirror then with the property of reflection of light they again reflect with same angle the photons incident.

What can i do about my misaligned knee and hip?

I don't know of any support groups. The ankle pain is likely associated with the knee, possibly compensating the weight oddly. I recommend continuing the physical therapy ur doing on ur own, and upping ur calcium intake, to promote the bone strength. As for the back, I have found the best method for me, is yoga. Anything that stretches the muscles, seems to relieve tension. Also, on an off note, my disabled child has issues with misaligned hips, although u said u have no denero, look into shoe insoles, in the future. They have helped. Idk if i hit all 3 questions, but for anything i missed, the answer is maybe. Good luck.

What can i do about misaligned knee and hip?

Go to a chiropractor. A regular MD will just give you pain killers. A chiropractor will push the bones and tendons and nerves around. I had a real bad knot in my neck once and could barely turn my head, and I went to a chiropractor after pain killers prescribed by a dr really did noting but make me woozy. Five minutes after my first treatment at the chiropractor I could turn my head again.

In the spirit of mutual humanity, can we all name something that makes us smile?

Seeing children enjoying playing together, or often simply seeing someone else smile (especially if it's because of something I said or did).

Hotel charged for additional fees 2 weeks after check-out and I have final bill that shows $0 Balance?

I checked out of a hotel after 4 nights in Miami FL and paid the balance due as shown on my check-out statement; which has been already deducted from my bank account. The statement shows ALL charges for the entire stay, room charges, taxes, etc and now shows a $0 balance. Nearly 3 weeks after check-out the Hotel charged me $223 on my debit card, when I called the hotel they could not give me an explanation but that the charges "were due". I disputed with my bank and my bank declined to dispute the charges because they said the hotel told "them" the charges were for the 1st night's stay...but when we checked-in (for a business conference) we were a day early and asked if we owed the additional night and they said it was taken care of. My statement also reflects that no additional charges were due for that first night. What is my recourse?

Do pms mood swings reflect mood during pregnancy?

right before i get my period, i have one day where i get really depressed and senstitive, as a lot of girls do. i am just wondering if my pms mood reflects how i will feel when i am pregnant. the pms mood is a result of the high levels of estrogen and progesterone right? so since those hormones are still at a high levels during pregnancy, does that mean you will react the same way?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why don't demos translate into real fighting?

I was watching some ISKA forms, sparring, weapons and breaking competition on cable tv the other night. Why does that kind of fighting just not really work, say, in the UFC? If a guy can shatter a coconut, why can't he hit a UFC fighter in the head and knock him out? Conversely, i will bet that Matt Hughes can't break a lot of boards, yet those guys likely would tap out against him in a few seconds. I'll bet Randy Couture would look awkward trying to do a kata, and likely can't even throw multiple kicks, but could probably run through each of those guys on the same day. This has never made sense to me. I saw a short 55 year old karate master shove his thumb through a brick, but Jon Jones would likely kill him in the ring. Confusing.

Gulf Shores vs Folly Beach?

My aunt's family goes to Folly Beach every year and my parents are thinking of us tagging along next year. I'm trying to get them to go to Gulf Shores instead, mainly because it is a 3 hour drive from New Orleans (I am obsessed with that place). Both are about the same distance from Chicago, and they both have about equal beaches to me. Which one is better for more relaxing, fishing, shopping (for my mom and aunt), and I guess just cheaper?

What do you think about this speech on "the meaning of life n the concept of evil?"?

What is our mission in life? All these negatives in life are actually positives! You are probably thinking (as an atheist or a person who doubts god) ‘what do u mean? Death, murder, rape is positive?” holistically, it is and ill tell you why. God wants to test you. He will test you with loses, fear, loss of wealth, he WILL test you. So the system of life is designed by God to be full of hardships and loss. So let’s define what is “evil.” So the atheists nowadays that when (for example) a tsunami takes place ; its evil. When an earthquake takes place; its evil. The flood that took place in Pakistan ; its evil. (an atheist would say) “how could this happen? A ‘merciful’ god see a child just drown, starve (etc)??” and humans like you and I would cry, we would have compassions for a child drowning,, how could GOD do that?? True, good question. We ask that question all the time don’t we? Actually, the term “EVIL” is false. It is improperly attached to this event. Let me define evil properly (this is btw how atheism starts – when u misdefine terminologies and u get stuck in a spiral of misunderstandings and all but positivity comes to mind ) the true definition of evil is A WILLFUL REJECTION OF GOOD. Meaning, when I have free will I can choose to do good and I can choose to reject good , which brings about evil . my willfull rejection of promoting good leads me to evil. So NOTICE the definition of evil – the definition of evil has a direct connection with free will – if u take the free will notion out – then evil will NOT exist. Therefore, a tsunami has no notion of evil – there is no question of choice there it is a matter of physical reality taking place where water is no longer defiling space where it is supposed to. Notice the definition of evil!! Now when atheist say to you , “ look at that evil tsunami ! god is seeing that child die! What an evil god, I thought god was supposed to be good? So there must NOT be a god if there is so much evil.” Now let me give u a little vision to this answer.. see, to us death is a terrible thing because it is not in our control. Life is not in our control, We cannot bring anything to life once it is dead. No scientist today knows the origin of life. NO SCIENTIST. We do not know how life started, we can talk about how it moves forward but nobody truly knows how it started (and don’t say the ‘big bang theroy’ bcuz it is a THEROY not a provent fact). And we know for a fact that non living entities do not give birth to living entities. So therefore by definition of a miracle is something that happens but u do not know the cause of it. True? (yes!) we call it miraculous. Therefore, life is miraculous, life is a miracle. You notice that life has its origins but none of us know what it is.. it just moves forward. Its so incredible that when we look at a living entity giving birth to a living entity, we don’t know how it functions – we just know that it moves know when we reflect, that the mercy of God in putting togather this life (even in an atheistic perspective) has to be in a positive direction. If I say to myself that I am existing and I decide not to do anything good, you will find that u will spiral in a negative. If you don’t wake up in the morning and u don’t go forward and do something in a positive way.. you will die.. if you don’t wake up in the morning and polish yourself and clean yourself – look at how god has built the system – where you have to take a shower, you have to groom yourself, you have to cut your nails, you have to cut your hair, why has god done that? Why cant we just do it once, and forget about it? Because god says in this world you are consistently going to struggle, it’s a never ending struggle, and you are going to keep doing it until you die. Because that is the design of god system, that the POSITIVE NATURE IS THE DRIVING FORCE OF EVERYTHING. So when people ask “what kind of god can watch his own child die” there is a mercy to that, and what is that mercy? It’s the compassion you and I feel for that child. You say ‘ a child died, I feel like im going to cry.’ God says “THAT’S IT; THAT’S why I took the child away” that if you can understand the value of life, how could you if you didn’t see it go away? How can you understand the fragility of the human race if you didn’t experience it. How can you understand the value of the stable earth, if it didn’t shake? Tell me, how could you??

Will Princess Bubblegum stay 13?

If anyone saw the Adventure Time two parter Mortal Folly and Mortal Recoil they know what I'm talking about. Does anyone think that she is going to stay 13 or are they going to make her the same age again and act like nothing happened?

Does Sharepoint 2010 have a web part that's like Google Docs?

Can two people edit the same document at the same time and have it be reflected in real time? In addition, can edits by each user be tracked and referenced?

Why do some Christians want to "save" Atheists?

Who is the one needing conversion? The person who believes that his wrongdoings can be atoned for by the suffering and death of someone else, or the atheist who does not believe such a perversity?

Please answer I'm having problems at my current boxing gym what should i do?

so basically whenever we spar at the gym i currently attend, the other dudes try to knock me out. i dont understand the point in this. i thought sparring was to practice and further develop skills during a live fighting situation, not to knockout your sparring partner. anyways, thats what my partners try to do. plus my trainer makes me fight a style that im not comfortable with and he told me that i have to do what he says, not what im comfortable with. any tips on what i should do? i have a good relationship with my trainer hes cool but once again, he makes me fight a style im not comfortable with. should i just speak to him about it, or leave the gym altogether?

New Best Way to Level Up in Red Dead Redemption?

I've been playing Red Dead for a while. I've entered into Legend once and am now level 15 on 1st Legendary. I've been grinding Twin Rocks for all my XP for most of the 65 times I've leveled up and it's getting a bit old. I was wondering if there is an easier way? I have the Liars and Cheats DLC (the one with the Explosive Rifle and all the new gang hideouts/hunting grounds) so I have a few more options. Any advice is appreciated. I am on the Xbox 360 so I don't have Solomon's Folly sadly.

How can Victor Ortiz who can only salvage a draw against Petterson and quit against Maidana...?

... be considered as a challenge for Mayweather? The Bradley win only exposed Bradley as an overrated boxer. No more, no less. And Ortiz was just a former Pacquiao sparring partner.

Which beach destination is better for a romantic vacation -- SC or FL beaches?

My fiance is returning from Afghanistan soon and we'd like to take a beach vacation. What beaches are better -- SC or FL? We aren't huge partiers, but would like a beach with fun activities. So far I've been focusing on Folly Beach/Charleston area of SC or Panama City Beach or Siesta Key in Florida. Pros/cons of either? Thanks!

Does any one have business name ideas?

I'm starting an online business that specializes in monogrammed handbags, totes, lunch bags, pet carriers, etc. I really need some name ideas as I feel my brain in fried from thinking lol I want a name that reflects the style of the owner as well as the inventory, sassy southern diva!! Anyone?? I'm open to suggestions!! Thanks for responding!!! If I pick your name idea I'll give you a free tote monogrammed of course once we are up and running!

MMA sparring gloves or 8oz boxing gloves for boxing training?

You have kind of already answered your question. Boxing gloves for boxing training makes more sense.

How can you get 300 sparring points in ufc 2010 undisputed?

okay i see a lot of videos saying do this and get a 100 points or this and get 300 points well i do that and still get no kind of points like that i follow the steps and still do not get 300 points or 100 points like they do i even tried switching the ai to my advantage and still get no kind of points like that i am really mad so can anybody help me with this in trying to get 300 points not the old fashion way i want 300 points lol please help

Are Jehovah's Witnesses Possibly a "Prideful" Organization?

Are you judging an entire organization over a hypothetical situation? That's how misunderstandings and prejudices get started.

Need karate sparring gear?

I would prefer not to buy the gear online, does anyone know a physical store I can go to ,so that I can make sure I buy the right size gear.

What is the name of the anime with characters that uses some type of gem to power up with armor?

What is the name of the anime movie with characters that uses some type of gems to power up and get armor that would help them fly, they would spar allot but at the end they teamed up to fight a boss who was a giant that had a gold mask with red eyes and looked like a Greek God, they defeated him and the boss transformed into his true state and had a yin yang mask?

Would law be the allegory for vomit, mire, folly, evil, concision, etc in these allegoric Bible verses?

Yes. I do believe, and these will never enter the kingdom. If you have ever broken one, you are guilty of all the law, this only brings death.

Question for all martial artists, MMA , kung fu, karate, can you relate?

I don't care what martial art you train, Having a good stance, Keeping your hands up, and your chin down, will always be better than standing there and hoping you can block everything like in Kung-Fu, because when that one punch slips thru, and your head is up, it's lights out.

Keep Dreaming About This Boy...?

Basically, around three months ago, a boy a few years older than me, who I had been talking to frequently for about a week, began to show an unwanted romantic interest in me. He showed 'stalker' behavior: pestering my friends for information on me, hunting around for me and calling me constantly. I made it quite clear that I wasn't interested but he still persisted. This led to me having a lot of anxieties. I have serious depression and anorexia and I find it hard to deal with social situations and being close to other people. Since this has happened, this boy seems to be appearing in my dreams constantly. He usually appears in a romantic sense. I have had dreams where I have slept with him or he has been around me in such a way. I definitely do not like him, so I'm confused as to why I seem to be attracted to him in my dreams as that does not reflect my true emotions. What is my subconscious trying to tell me and why does he keep recurring in my dreams? Thanks.

How would one go about purchasing an electric eel or two in Victoria, Australia?

It might be a folly, but I seem to have decided that I want an electric eel in my new giant fishtank. Is there a supplier in Australia that you know of, a friend? A friend of a friend who knew your cousin Larry? Short of importing on from the Amazon at great cost, I've got nothing. If anyone could shed some light on the situation (Pun, oh dear..), I would be most pleased!

Friday, August 5, 2011

My sifu / kung fu teacher got annoyed with me, why?

A good martial artist should have control. I should be able to choose if i hit someone in the face or stop just before. If we aim to kill in training we aren't training. He's mad because the back of the head is a particularly dangerous spot and he doesn't know if he can trust you anymore.

Help i think i'm pregnant?

okay i've been worried the passed week, my best friend got two pregnancy tests (just a cheap on from the spar blue dye) and she made me do one with her and it came up as me being pregnant?! i don't know if it was a faulty one or what but my belly is usually flat and i've got bump there now my mum said it's a ''beer belly'' i'm freaking out?! am i pregnant? i'm only 16 my mum would kill me and the nurse at my doctors hates me she's such a ***** i don't know what to do :(

How often do you think about our existence?

I dont have the time for that but when i take a dump i often wonder how i made a smell so bad does that count?

What is the following an example of? Enter SIR ANDREW, SIR TOBY BELCH, and FABIAN?

The correct answer is that it is an example of a stage direction in the Shakespeare play entitled 'As you like it'.

Name some pastry dishes (easy) ?

can you name some pastry dishes that reflect another country or culture please? or just any pastry dish from another country (im in the uk) thanks :)

I need a monologue from Sondheim's "Follies" for the character Young Sally and I can't find anything. HELP!?

Does not have to exceed 30 seconds. If possible, it should somehow tie into love. This monologue is intended to lead right into "Losing My Mind".

Pokemon soul silver elite 4 help?

Okay. The weaknesses of Poison are Psychic and Ground. So, you should teach Psychic to your Espeon and Lugia. For ground, you could teach Earthquake or similar to Machoke. Otherwise, keep going at it! You will win eventually!! :D

When people spar do they actually hit like they would in a fight?

Sparring is boxing practice and they work on the style they'll be fighting.A sparring partner that can emulate the style of the fighter you'll be facing is what it's all about. A learning and practice for the upcoming bout. However, many sparring sessions can get quite heated and the exchanges quite real. A good trainer will control the action.

Keep Dreaming About This Person...?

Basically, around three months ago, a boy a few years older than me, who I had been talking to frequently for about a week, began to show an unwanted romantic interest in me. He showed 'stalker' behavior: pestering my friends for information on me, hunting around for me and calling me constantly. I made it quite clear that I wasn't interested but he still persisted. This led to me having a lot of anxieties. I have serious depression and anorexia and I find it hard to deal with social situations and being close to other people. Since this has happened, this boy seems to be appearing in my dreams constantly. He usually appears in a romantic sense. I have had dreams where I have slept with him or he has been around me in such a way. I definitely do not like him, so I'm confused as to why I seem to be attracted to him in my dreams as that does not reflect my true emotions. What is my subconscious trying to tell me and why does he keep recurring in my dreams? Thanks.

Complete fiction? Will you C/C please?

Hi. Good morning to see you. Good narrator voice that rocks very fluid and comfortable every thing fall into place nicely, deep impression, Dallas I love your unique perspective and how you can tell stories, or just add great imagery to moments. I see some sad words and emotions, this could be a true life experience, love have is ups and downs , and loneliness is a state of mind. If you stop loving, you stop living. My admiration to you. Thanks for been one of my inspiration, i have so many on this forum. T.C

Why do I want to fight?

To be honest i have been doing Gracie Jiu Jitsu for about a couple months now i have seen fights at my school and i do think to myself i can take these guys like nothing if i were to ever get attacked they only have one attack and that attack is the hook thats mostly about it and uhh slapboxing too well atleast thats how i see it sometimes i wish someone would just hit me first so that i can "DEFEND MYSELF" and prove to these guys that am not a guy worth messing with am only in 9th grade and a decent person at Jiu Jitsu however i do try to avoid fights to the best of my ability but when attacked first i will show no mercy

What is the best way to train my stamina?

I am a big guy (though i am not fat) with bad stamina. I could not run far distance and would gaps for air after a short spar. I would like to have more stamina to last in the ring... do help?!

Where can i train martial arts with my friends in singapore?

i want to find a palce where me and my friends can spar. Be it a rental place or open space with mat.

Escrima stick length 26inch vs 28inch?

ok im useing escrima sticks but i cant decide between 26in or 28in 28 seems a bit more controlable and more powerful but 26 is very light and fast and easier to use in my left hand (were talking useing eskrima sticks one in each hand) my right arm is stronger so useing 28 in my left hand is a bit unweildy (i currently have 1 26inch and 1 28inch escrima sticks i use) but how heavy is oak vs rattan? (the escrima im useing now is oak) and what do you think i should go for? (please note id like to get this right because ill be buying a pair of 50$ combat eskrima to use in sparring) also like ive said its a bit difficult to weild a 28inch escrima stick in my left hand but at the same time my left hand is always a bit sloppy in forms (my left hand i normaly use for deflecting and parrying enemy weapons and my right is for heavy attacks if i need to

What does the "song of the Chattahoochee" poem about?

I think it is a "lot about living and a little about love"; about having fun and growing up and becoming an adult in a small town.

Having trouble beating a street brawler in a MMA styled sparring match?

here i love to fight so wat u need to do is is just stay focused on the street brawler and never get mad ok and just make your move when he drops his gard ok i train mma/ufc just do it ok try to find a mma teacher and train for a month and go back to him and kick his ***

What would you do to improve part two of this longish narrative poem?

I know this one, do I not? Wait! I must off to read the final part. It will leave me aching, right? In a puddle, dang you! (Stop laughing, Peter! I heard that!)

Why is Coriolanus not very well known in the literary world?

Funny. The only reason I know anything at all about Shakespeare's Coriolanus is from my reading of Charlotte Bronte's third novel (after Jane Eyre), SHIRLEY (1849). There is a complete chapter in the novel called, "Coriolanus"; and it involves one of each of the two main heroines and heroes reading and discussing Shakespeare's play. I have yet to read the play, though I have a series of Shakespeare books in my library. I've only read Hamlet and Macbeth, and some of the poetry for high school and college. I could ask a similar question: Why isn't Charlotte Bronte's SHIRLEY very well-known in the literary world -- or the college-level English Literature class for that matter? The two heroines in the tale, Caroline Helstone and Shirley Keeldar are considered the contrasting traits of Jane Eyre split in two; while the two heroes, Robert and Louis Moore are refracting brothers, w/ differing characters.

Should i do mma, i don't want to become a quitter.?

Im 17 now, i did boxing for about six months, i know i was getting good, i could punch extremely hard, i even broke a heavyweigt fighters nose sparring, but eventually i just got bored with the whole thing, the repition and all, i even dreaded using my free time on it. Now i'm having feelings of wanting to return to fighting but mma instead, which i do like more than boxing. I just want it to be another phase like last time. Should I go for it?

Choose the sentences that correctly use the dash, hyphen, or parentheses.?

Come on, have a go at these yourself. You must be able to do at least some of them. Then we'll be glad to help you correct them if necessary, and help with the ones you're having trouble with.

Please read this poem I'd love some feedback: thinking about writing a book on my life.?

Wow... Can't say I enjoyed that "poem". It would be suitable book material though. I am sorry to hear of your difficult life, sounds sad.

Read my question below.?

Suppose the three coordinate planes are all mirrored and a light ray given by the vector a=(a1,a2,a3) first strikes the xz-plane. Use the fact that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection to show that the direction of the reflected ray is given by b=(a1,-a2,a3). Deduce that, after being reflected by all three mutually perpendicular mirrors, the resulting ray is parallel to the initial ray.

If were made so imperfect were we meant to evolve beyond all of this?

Well evolution is a mutation that helps you better adapt to your environment and lifestyle which means you are "better" and more likely to mate therefore allowing your kids to have these traits but atleast that's the case with animals so I guess it similar to humans

For pressure point experts/nervous system experts only!?

He struck probably the "funny bone". Which would account for the numbness and pain you felt after wards. But as for you finding it hard to breath... That's just you either out of shape or not breathing properly during intense exercise. A lot of people literally forget to breath during sparing which can cause you to hyperventilate. I highly doubt your breathing problems were a direct result of being hit in a nerve in the arm.

Should I try to keep quiet in bed?

Don't be overly loud, as in louder than her. and she more than likely will NOT mind, It probably will just turn her on more, to hear you enjoying it as much as she. hope to help.

How does one go about selling, say, a SF musical sitcom to TV?

I'm in the (slow) process of writing a TV script. It's a SF variation of the rather obscure British musical comedy series "Rock Follies". It tells the story of a group of young women struggling to make it in the music business. My variation is that we have a weirdly diverse quartet (one is a robot, one an elf, the other two are human), trying to earn a living singing in a nightclub which is actually an asteroid in space. It's going to be a "traditional" sitcom (with a live audience) sporting a good deal of SFX and the most unusual songs. Now, do I need to write out a full script, or can I submit a detailed synopsis?

What are Muslims' views on this article explaining Iran's persecution of Christians?

I'm glad that they didn't stone these people for being apostates. At least they're not following their holy book word for word. Why can't everybody in the world just allow people to have whatever crazy beliefs they want without being subjected to violence? An intelligent person would know the only genuine way to win over believers is to show that their beliefs are better. This is just gonna cause more hatred and violence.

Dealership wants a down payment a month later?

Yes they can, either you find a way to pay for the car or return it. You were not approved when you drove off the lot, and apparently didn't have the credit to swing the deal.

Why is there still a Fools Day being observed in the midst of Lent... (midst)... Easter?

april fools has nothing to do with religion. why combine to two obviously different things. April fools is an observed holiday, but more like a social event. I dont observe lent, and many other religions dont observe it. Why do you ask if its still around because lent means absolutely nothing to a heck of a lot of people

Thursday, August 4, 2011

How can i make my boxing gloves harder?

Wrap your hands correctly, your knuckles and wrist, you might not be doing it right if you are hurting yourself.

I need help with creating an excel template or so.....?

So I have a spreadsheet that has many equations for analysis. All I need to do is to import the data I have from each subject into the sheet, which are only few numbers, and then the spreadsheet generates results as well as GRAPHS. So, whenever I get the results I copy the whole sheet and paste it into a new workbook and name it with my subject's name. The PROBLEM is, when I do so, the graphs end up the same for ALL subjects, because when I point to the points on the graph, they are all the same for each subject, because again when I point to the points on the graph, and then look up where it comes from, it says it came from the ORIGINAL sheet, and not from the current sheet where the data was pasted. So, all of them are identical. When I change the title for the graphs to reflect points from the specific sheet, then yes, things are right. But It would be so difficult going through each one of them, I have many data to be analyzed. Is there a way to make like a template where, when I copy and paste into a new sheet, the points on the graph will reflect data from the current sheet and not the original one. I hope this isn't too confusing.

Christians, Do we really understand the depth and responsibilities that come with repentance?

How many of us are willing to admit that after we repent from our sins, we go right back to repeat the folly ?

Does the "Even if you proved evolution happening right in front of me right now, I will not believe in it."...?

The bible was written by mere humans who 'claimed' it was inspired by god, so was the koran and vedas. To believe that these books are divine you have to delude yourself, because it is obvious that they are not.

Both libs and cons: do you agree with this GOP-candidate's stance on our declining educational system?

"Eliminating federal involvement in K—12 education should be among a president's top domestic priorities. The Constitution makes no provision for federal meddling in education. It is hard to think of a function less suited to a centralized, bureaucratic approach than education. The very idea that a group of legislators and bureaucrats in D.C. can design a curriculum capable of meeting the needs of every American schoolchild is ludicrous. The deteriorating performance of our schools as federal control over the classroom has grown shows the folly of giving Washington more power over American education. President Bush's No Child Left Behind law claimed it would fix education by making public schools “accountable.” However, supporters of the law failed to realize that making schools more accountable to federal agencies, instead of to parents, was just perpetuating the problem."

How to get comfortable sparring with close friends and training partners?

i train in boxing. im 15, 5'7'' and im pretty good. i fight like a boxer ; not too aggressive, use my jab a lot, and don't go bull rushing in with lots of punches. i have a good friend who trains at the same gym i do and our trainer works with us a lot. he usually partners us up along with a few other close training partners of mine. anyways, we do a lot together. we help each other with heavy bag work, and give each other tips, just things that good training partners do. however, i find i am uncomfortable when sparring with these people and i think the reason that is is because i know them and i am close with them. in sparring sessions, i find myself pulling my punches and not really following through. i hit them during sparring sessions as if i was a child with no punching power. i pack a punch though, and if i really committed my punch would do some damage. like i said though, i know these people and i am close with them. ive spoken to them about it and they tell me not to worry about it and we are just helping each other out. despite this, i still feel uncomfortable sparring them because im close with them. how can i get over this and stop pulling my punches when i throw them. throughout the whole sparring session i am just jabbing, and straddling around them. im just moving around and i barely ever shoot the right hand, and if i do, its like a love tap. luckily for me, my defense is good so i can just work on that but i would like to be able to get more comfortable and stop pulling my punches. any tips? thanks guys!

In Batto-do do you spar often?

Let's put it this way, you don't need to draw your gun against a partner to practice your gun slinging technique. You can easily judge how fast a gunslinger you really are just by timing your movements. Since Battodo, like Iaido, focuses more on perfecting individual technique and form, there really is no need for a partner. You're either fast or you're slow, apply perfect form or bad form. Although it would be a nice change of pace if you face off against a partner, but it's not necessary.

Looking for the Episodes on an old Merrie Melodies VHS?

I used to have a Merrie Melodies vhs when I was little, and I want to know what episodes were on it. So far I've know that it had "Falling Hare", "Crowing Pains", and if I remember correctly, a Fliesher clip called "Farm Follies" Any other info would be appreciated.

What is the writing technique called where the charaters are named after what they are?

Like Greed, Lust, or Rage, I'm writing an essay on "The Praise of Folly" and I remember disscussing the style in class years ago but can't remember what it is called.

How can i create a 3D hologram?

i saw this youtube video a long time ago where this teacher created a 3d hologram or illusion by projecting an image of space toward a mirror with one of the newer projectors and when the image reflected it created a 3d this possible if not how can i create one at home! please help!!

Let fate take its own course? Does it mean that it is not time for you to understand yet?

There's just somethings that are already beyond our control. So you've got nothing to do with it then, just go with the flow.. How we deal with things we can't control determines our quality of life. Our character, perspectives and attitude will make us or break us.

Can anyone give me a legit. explination for this?

Don't ask, but me and af ew friends like to go to graveyards and take pictures of the statues and pick up pics of apparitions. We were near the infant area and my sister took a picture of a wall with angel statues reading a book to some children. when she told us to look we didn't se anything, but she took another picture and i saw what appeared to be a humanoid silhouette, with eyes that reflected the flash of the camera. We checked the camera right away but nothing showed up on it at all. And before anything religious is said, im pagan, i have been going to this cemetery for years now, and i know people buried in there. I respect all opinions, but i am the only one, as far as this question is concerned right now, to have a smart *** comment. I have never encountered that in the past 8 years of going there. And crazy or not, cemeteries are very comforting to me usually.

Does anyone know where i can watch episodes of Adventure Time?

I don't want to download the videos, or sign up or register for anything, I only want to watch them. also, I have seen most of the episodes, there are actually only four that I haven't seen. these episodes are Video Makers, Heat Signature, Mortal Folly, and Mortal Recoil. I don't have Cartoon Network, so I've been watching episodes online. Does anyone know of a site where i can watch these episodes?

I don't want to celebrate my birthday. Is this wrong?

There is nothing wrong with that. They need to understand you're different and not everyone enjoys all that attention. The only thing that will probably convince them is the fact that you will probably always not want to, and they will finally get used to and except it.

Please help paraphrise this poem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) 10 p best anwser?

Blow, you winter wind, you aren't so bad as man's ingratitude or as mean, because you aren't seen, even if your breath is mean. Sing with joy in the green holly, most friendships are a joke, life is really funny. Just go on and freeze you bitter sky, your hardships don't come close to the good things forgot: Though you make storms on the oceans, your pain isn't so sharp as a friend that's forgotten. Sing with joy in the green holly, most friendships are a joke, life is really funny.

Question about bible, is it true story ?

Yes, but that's my belief , and I'm not going against it ever, but I gurantee one person who answers will say the exact opposite.

Which of the following passages from George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion best illustrates the theme of metamorphos?

Hi Lulu. I would go for B. "I shall make a duchess of this draggletailed guttersnipe." Because that is exactly Professor Higgins' intention, and precisely what he does. Transforms a cockney sparrow into a posh swan.

Am I boyfriend material?

Ok, so I want to ask this girl out but do not know if I am boyfriend material. I have a high respect for women. I would listen to her intently, comfort her and just prioritize her instead of myself. I am very intellectual, but not that strong. I mean, I have good ball skills so I am pretty good at tennis and soccer, but I am not the fittest person. I could not beat most people in an arm wrestle. Other than that, I am a nice guy, which reflects on my appearance, thus leaving me with a nice face. I am also quite humorous. So, ladies, what do you think?